Gnaural for Java

What is Gnaural for Java?

The Java version of Gnaural resolves all issues of platform compatibility: Gnaural now runs great on Windows, MacOSX, and Linux. But in order to run it the new Gnaural, you'll need Java. It is free, easy, and upwards of 90% of computers already have it. Linux has an open-source solution (OpenJDK), everyone else should get Oracle's version:

Once Java is installed and Gnaural for Java installed, running Gnaural is as simple as double-clicking the downloaded file "GnauralJava.jar." Linux users may need to run Gnaural from a terminal window (Ctrl-Alt-t), cd'ing to GnauralJava.jar's directory then typing:
 java -jar GnauralJava.jar

You can also  launch Gnaural directly from your web browser from clicking this link, but Oracle now requires you to set your Java Control Panel like this (both MacOSX and Windows screenshots):

How is Gnaural for Java different from the old Gnaural?

The Java version has introduced:
The areas where Gnaural for Java still needs to catch-up with the C-based version includes (for now):

How do I use it?

General Info:

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