Installing Gnaural
Installing is very easy:
Gnaural for Java: [Note: this is the main Gnaural for all platforms now];
- The new Gnaural
for Java (see here
for help and info) will run on all platforms, but you'll first need Java
- Download Gnaural for Java
- Run Gnaural by either double-clicking the file "GnauralJava.jar" or
by launching from your command-line interface
with this command:
java -jar GnauralJava.jar
Classic Gnaural for Windows:
- Install Gnaural for Windows
Classic Gnaural for Linux:
Probably best to download the source code for the last version and compile it manually (see directions at bottom of page, or for more detailed instructions click
here ).
For convenience, you can try a 64-bit deb compiled in Ubuntu here.
Classic Gnaural for MacOS:
Advice: Use the Gnaural for Java version listed at top; the rate of executable-obsolesence on MacOS was the main impetus for writing it.
If you need to try to install the pre-Java version, all the old versions can be found here.
For all versions of Gnaural currently available, go here.
Optional Presets ("Presets"
customized sound files that you can run in Gnaural)
Pick and choose from the Presets Archive
- The
presets are divided in to two categories: "Mindstates"
mental states, and "Soundscapes"
that are strictly sound compositions.
- If the preset you've chosen opens as a page in your browser instead of downloading, simply "Save Page As" from the File menu
- If you have created a preset that you feel might benefit others, submit it to: gnaural [at]
- Someone apparently has made an "SBaGen to Gnaural File Converter" for Windows.
Extra Notes:
- LINUX: Gnaural can be found natively within these distributions: Fedora, Ubuntu, SuSE, Gentoo, ArchLinux. Contact your package maintainer if the version is not up to date. If you don't have an installer available to you, simply download the source code (the ".tar.gz" file), extract and compile it. The latter should be as easy as typing "./configure" then "make" from a terminal in the root of the extracted directory. If it compiled, you'll find gnaural in the src directory. If it didn't, you're probably just missing a few dev libs (likely PortAudio and SndFile); install them using your distribution's package manager then try again.
- WINDOWS: There is also a very useful GTK+ Preferences Tool available at the gtk-win site, allowing you to customize the look of GTK+ applications.
- WINDOWS: If you are running a version of Windows BEFORE Windows 2000, you will need this older version of the GTK+ 2 Runtime Environment.
- MacOSX: I know that your Gnaural seems a bit "un-Mac-like" in regard to menuing, keyboard shortcuts, and needing right-button mouse-clicks (use Ctrl-click to simulate). No, I'm not favoring windows (I'm not a Windows user myself). The problem is simply that the libraries Gnaural depends on to be multi-platform are still in development for MacOSX - very stable for use but still trying to figure out how to include the uniquely Mac aesthetic in to the general shemes it adopted to cover both Linux and Windows.
- EVERYONE: If any of the links above don't work (or for any reason you can't get what you need), first see if you can find what you need at the main Gnaural site, and if you can't, then post in the Forum. True "bugs", on the other hand, should go to the Tracker.
- The
latest stable source code can always be found (as a ".tar.gz" file) here,
and the
current working code snapshot in CVS here.
download from CVS, simply put this in a command line:
cvs -z3 co -P gnaural
Assuming you have all the development libraries needed (including PortAudio and SndFile), then all you need to do is type these lines to compile and run:
cd gnaural
cd src/